
Thermal Cycler を使用したFISH
FISH on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue section
Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH)
Mutiplex-Immunostain chip (M-I chip)


1.    標本作製,固定
カルノア固定                   4℃,10〜15分.

2XSSC                            37℃ 10
0.5mg/ml Pepsin                37℃ 13分(便宜,材料で調整)
PBS                                      5分(室温)
1formaldehyde                         5
PBS                                          5
70 %, 85 %, 100 % Alc.                  1
Air dry


Hybridization Buffer 7μl, 標的プローブ 1μl, 蒸留水2μl, 0.5ml エッペンチューブ内で混合し,2〜3秒間遠心する.


              PN buffer で5分間洗浄後,蒸留水で5分間洗浄し軽く乾燥させる.
              DAPIU10 μl 添加し,カバーガラスをかけマニキュアでシールをする.

(参考)Two-color FISHのプローブ調整
              Hybridization Buffer                               7μl
              セントロメアプローブ(Spectrum Green       1μl
              領域特異的プローブ(Spectrum Orange)       1μl
              蒸留水                                               1μl       total 10μl

10% 中性緩衝ホルマリン           12.5ml
PBS                                      37ml
2M MgCl2                                      0.5ml
変性溶液(pH 7.0)
       100% formamide                    70ml
       20×SSC                            10ml
       H2O                                  20ml

  ホルムアミド             5.5ml
  硫酸デキストラン          1.0g
  20×SSC               0.5ml

 洗浄液(pH 7.0)
         100% formamide                    50ml
         20×SSC                             10ml
         H2O                                   40ml
×SSC / 0.1% NP-40 (pH 7.0 )
    20XSSC                                100ml
        NP-40                                  1ml
        H2O                  total        1,000ml
PN buffer (pH 8.0)
                            A液:0.1M Na2HPO4 / 0.1% NP-40
                            B液:0.1M NaH2PO4 / 0.1% NP-40
               A液にB液を加えながら,pH 8.0に調整

Tharmal Cyclerを使用したFISH
カルノア固定                       4℃ 1015
2XSSC                                   37℃ 10
0.5mg/ml Pepsin                       37℃ 13
PBS                                                5
1formaldehyde                                 5
PBS                                                 5
70 %, 85 %, 100 % Alc.                        1
        Thermal cyclerに標本をセット
73℃ 3分(変性)→→→ 37℃ 一昼夜
              2XSSC                                       5分(カバーガラスを剥がす)
              0.4XSSC/0.3%NP-40              73 2
              2XSSC/0.1%NP-40                5, - 1
              2XSSC                                     再洗浄
DAPIU 10μl

(参考)Two-color FISHのプローブ調整
              Hybridization Buffer                                        7μl
              セントロメアプローブ(Spectrum Green               1μl
              領域特異的プローブ(Spectrum Orange)               1μl
              蒸留水                                                        1μl    
  total  10μl

0.5mg/ml pepsin (pH2.0)
0.01N-HCl                                           50ml
10% pepsin                                        0.25ml
1% formaldehyde
         10% 中性緩衝ホルマリン                  12.5ml
         PBS                                              37ml
         2M MgCl2                                                 0.5ml
0. 4XSSC/0.3%NP-40 (pH 7.0)
20XSSC                                                20ml
NP-40                                                   3ml
H2O                                     total      1,000ml
2XSSC/0.1%NP-40 (pH7.0)
   20XSSC                                       100ml
   NP-40                                            1ml
   H2O                                      total      1,000ml

FISH on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue section

  Day 1

  1. 6% neutral-buffred formalin fixation

  2. Paraffin-wax embedment

  3. Prepare 4-6 μm tissue section slide

  4. Xylene 10 min X3

  5. Ethanol 10 min X2

  6. Microwave-heating for 15 min (0.01M sodium citrate buffer, pH
    6.0)→H2O (approximate 2 min)→PBS (approximate 2 min)

  7. 0.05%-0.5% pepsin/0.1N HCl  at 37℃ for 12 min.

  8. H2O (approximate 2 min) X2

  9. 70% Ethanol (2 min)→85% Ethanol (2 min)→100% Ethanol (2 min)→air dry

  10. Preheating of section slide (place the slide on the lid of water
    bath at 73℃ before preparation and denaturation of probe solution)

  11. Prepare probe solution (for example: 7μl hybridization buffer + 1μl
    probe + 2 μl DDW for CEP probe, Vysis)

  12. Denature probe solution at 73℃ for 5 min then move to 45℃

  13. Denature the section in a denaturation solution at 73℃ for 5 min.

  14. 70% Ethanol (2 min at -4 to -20℃)→85% Ethanol (2 min at -4 to
    -20℃)→100% Ethanol (2 min at -4 to -20℃)→air dry

  15. Hybridization at 37℃→ cover and seal the section with coverslip and
    rubber cement

  16. Mark on the section slide

  17. Incubation at 37℃ for 3 days

  Denaturation solution
    7ml 20X SSC
  14ml H2O
  49ml formamide

  Day 4

  1. Remove rubber cement from slide and immerse in 2X SSC/0.3% NP-40 at
    room for 2-5 minutes.

  2. 2X SSC/0.3% NP-40 at 73℃ for 2 minutes

  3. 2X SSC/0.3% NP-40 at room for 1 minute

  4. 70% Ethanol (1 min)→85% Ethanol (1 min)→100% Ethanol (1 min)→air dry

  5. Counterstain and apply coverslip→observation under fluorescence

  2X SSC/0.3% NP-40
  4ml 20X SSC
  36ml H2O
  120μl NP-40


    Comparative Genomic Hybridization(CGH)

カルノア固定                                                    4℃ 30
2×SSC                                                              10分(エージング)
ペプシン処理 7分  (0.5mg/ml pepsin pH2.0)(結果をみて適宜調整)
PBS                                                                      5分
% formaldehyde                                                      5分
PBS 5分
70%, 80%, 100% エタノール                                各1分
75℃ウォーターバスのステンレス製蓋の上に放置 2時間
1% formaldehyde
               10%中性緩衝ホルマリン             12.5ml
        1×PBS                                   37ml
        2M MgCl2                              0.5ml
0.5 mg/ml pepsin (pH 2.0)
                 0.01N-HCl で希釈   10% ペプシン 0.25ml
       H2O            50ml
              1N HCl         500μl

1)  プローブの作成(上から順番に入れる)
   Human COT-1 DNA                  10 μl
   3M 酢酸ナトリウム                  4.0 μl
   100% エタノール(上等なの)                        110 μl
   正常人リンパ球DNASpectrum Red 標識)    10 μl
   腫瘍DNASpectrum Green 標識)                   20 μl
2) 遮光箱に容れ、転倒混和し−80℃に一晩置く(1時間以上置く)
3) 12000回転4 20分遠心
4) 上清を捨てる。
)  70% エタノールを200 μl入れ12000回転10
6) 上清を捨て、紙縒で残った水分を吸い取る。
(ここで、DNAの白い塊を紙縒にくっつけない様に気をつける。遮光しながら乾かす。(1 - 2時間程度)
7) Master Mix10μl加えよく混和する。管壁についたMaster Mix10秒程度遠心して落とす。
8) 37℃で約10分保温(遮光)
9) チューブ内のプローブを撹拌する。
10) 45℃に10〜15分静置。
11) 75℃に6分処理。(プローブの変性)
12) 37℃に30分以上静置。


1)    スライドグラス(スライドの裏に印をつける)を37℃に10分ぐらい置いて
2)    Denaturing Solution75℃)にスライドグラスを2分10秒〜2分30秒(単鎖化)
3) 7080100 %エタノール(氷中)にて2分間づつ脱水する。
4) 風乾する。
5) 37℃のホットプレート上で温めておく。


1)    スライドグラスにプローブを10 μl滴下する。
2)    18×18mmのカバーグラスにて被い、ペーパーボンドで周囲をシールする。
3)    30分間ホットプレート(37℃)上に静置する。
4)    37℃の恒温室にて72時間ハイブリダイゼーションする。
1)    50%ホルムアミド/2×SSC 45℃  6分×3回
2)     2×SSC 45℃               7分×1回
3)     PN                       5分×1回
4)     DW                       5分×1回
5)     水を切って37℃のホットプレート上に5分〜10分(乾燥を確認)
6)  DAPIU 10μlを滴下し、18×18mmのカバーグラスをかけマニキュアでシールする。
乾燥後プ レパラート箱に入れ常温で保存。

    NaCl                  43.8g    175.3g
        C6H5O7Na32H2O         22.1g    88.2g
        蒸留水                 200ml    800ml
        メスアップ用(蒸留水)         +α          +α
                        250ml         1000ml

ホルムアミド70ml ・20×SSC(pH7.010ml ・蒸留水20mlを加えて良く混合する。PH7.0

蒸留水と100%エタノールを用いて70% 80% 100%の最終濃度となるように希釈する。

ホルムアミド洗浄液50 %formamid/2×SSC
ホルムアミド75ml 20×SSC(pH7.0)15ml  蒸留水60mlを良く混合する。室温でpHメーターを用いてpH7.0に調整する。3個のガラス製コプリンジャー(123と表示して)に入れる。

PN 2×SSC/0.1NP40100ml
90mlの蒸留水に20×SSC(pH7.0)を10ml加える。0.1mlNP40を加える。NaOHでpH 7.0に調整する。



This method is applicable to various kinds of cancer tissues to reduce stromal tissue components from cancer specimens. Investigators should also expect to invest time initially by practicing on 10 to 20 cases to begin to feel comfortable with the technique. As they become skilled in the microdissection technology, they obtain tissue fragments rich in cancer cells in a short time.

I. Preparation of frozen tissue sections

1.  Set the machine (cryo-stat) for -20

(It takes at least a few hours to get the optimal temperature. Fortunately, the machine is usually maintained at -20C in this laboratory.)


2. Squeeze one drop of OCT compound (Tissue Tek) in bottom of mold, then put the tissue specimen in the center of it, and full the mold by OCT compound. (avoid to trapping air bubbles)

*Embed fresh tissues carefully in OCT in plastic mold, taking care not to trap air bubbles surrounding the tissue. Freeze tissue by setting mold on top of liquid nitrogen until 70-80% of the block turns white and then put block on top of dry ice. The frozen blocks may be stored at minus 80°C for long-term storage.

3.  Put mold in machine for 20-30 minutes.

This process can be omitted, when the tissue specimens frozen by another method are used.

4.  Take out the cylinder from machine and placed one drop of compound

   on up of fit for mold fixation, Convert the mold and put in top of the 

   cylinder, leave it for 10 minutes in the machine.


5. Remove mold’s frame (plastic).

6. Adjust the cylinder for tissue sectioning.

7. Cut the tissue block with a razor at 5μm, and put on the slide nicety.

 (A tissue section is prepared for microscopic observation. When the density of cancer cells is very low, another tissue specimen should be used.)

8. Then, section the tissue block at 30μm.

9. Make totally 12-16 slides with repeat of procedures No. (7 to 8 ).

10. Leave slides in Ethanol 100% for 5minutes.


11. Stain tissue sections with HE.

The lower concentration of hematoxylin and eosin may improve macromolecule recovery.


12. Arrange slides on the map-wood, and put a cover glass only on 5μm-Sections.

We should evaluate the cancer cell content in the tissue section before beginning microdissection. 

II. Tissue microdissection - Picking up the cancer cells

We perform microdissection on a standard inverted microscope (stereomicroscope) using a 27 gauge needle on a syringe as the microdissecting tool.

Prepare in advance;    @1.5ml-eppendorfe tube


                        B1ml-syringe with 27G needle

1.  At first, spill a little of Ethanol on the slide, look for cancer cell

   nest, and take out that by needle of syringe, put it in the eppendorf

   tube (tube with 1/2 volume alcohol).

While viewing the tissue through the microscope, the cell population of interest should be gently scraped with the needle. (As another way, first stromal tissues are removed from cancer tissue specimens, and cancer cell populations are left on the slide.) The dissected cells will become detached from the slide and form small dark clumps of tissue that can be collected on the needle. Several small tissue fragments can be procured simultaneously. Collection of an initial fragment on the tip of the needle will assist in procuring subsequent tissue. The tip of the needle with the procured tissue fragments should be carefully placed into a small PCR tube containing ethanol. Gentle shaking of the tube will ensure the tissue detaches from the tip of the needle.

2.  Centrifuge the tube for 5minutes at 14,000rpm.

3. Remove the alcohol only, soak the tissue fragments in PBS, and centrifuge the tube for 5 minutes at 14,000rpm.


4. Remove PBS.


5.  Go to the DNA extraction step (Dneasy tissue kit, QIAGEN, or SepaGene, Sankojunyaku Co., Ltd.)


DNA extraction is performed with a DNA extraction kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. We use two kits (products of Sanko-junyaku and Quagen) for DNA extraction.


Mutiplex-Immunostain chip (M-I chip)

Immunohistochemical examinations that are inevitable to a precise histopathological diagnosis in pathological laboratories are time consuming, laborious and expensive. In order to make immunohistochemical examination efficient, we have developed a novel device designated as ‘Multiplex-Immunostain Chip (MI Chip)’ for immunostaining of tissue sections and smear preparations. On a plastic plate, there are 50 small hallows which contain optimally diluted 5μl antibody solution. A tissue section is placed on the plate and fastened with clips tightly. Then, they are turned upside down, resulting in the automatic application of antibodies to the section. Since the plate allows immunohistological staining of 50 different antibodies at the most for a tissue section in a single experiment, it markedly reduces the time, effort, and expense to the immunohistochemical examination. In addition, expensive bioanalytical instruments are unnecessary for it. The chip is useful for not only histopathological examinations but also genetic studies. A number of applications of this method can be envisioned in the field of tumor diagnosis and cell biology.