
Marco Livingstone, Pop Art: A Continuing History, Thames & Hudson, 1990


 Introduction: Pre-Pop
 The Foundations of Pop
 1 Coca-Cola Plan: Johns, Rauschenberg and American prototypes of Pop in the 1950s
 2 Just What is It?: The Independent Group and Peter Blake
 3 Bourgeois Trash: Nouveau Realisme and precursors of Pop in Europe
 Classic Pop
 4 Look Mickey: American Pop, 1960-62
 5 The Artist Thinks: The Royal College of Art, 1959-63
 6 192 One-dollar Bills: American Pop, 1962-4
 7 Moderne Kunst: European Pop, 1960s and after
 Pop's Maturity
 8 Random Illusion: British Pop from the 1960s to the 1980s
 9 Extinguished Match: American Pop, 1965 and after
 Legacies of Pop
 Eat Dirt Art History: Neo-Pop in the 1980s
 Selected Bibliography
 List of Illustrations and Credits
