アメリカン・エフェクト アメリカ合衆国に対するグローバルな見取図1990-2003


Source: Whitney Museum of American Art / Store / Books / Exhibition Catalogues & Museum Publications / American Effect


Source: WSWS (World Socialist Web Site) / Arts Review / Exhibitions / The texture of life in a few instances: The American Effect




Rinder, Lawrence, 'The American Effect'

Toer, Pramoedya Ananta, 'Freedom'

Sante, Luc 'Abundance'

Phillips, Caryl, 'American Tribalism'

Saadawl, Nawal El, 'Exile and Resistance'

Ali, Tariq, 'Hegemony'

Zograf, Aleksander, 'How I Met America'

Buruma, Ian, 'Sweet Violence'

Said, Edward, 'Global Crisis Over Iraq'

Poniatowska, Elena, 'Americanization, Hispanization'



This show carries on the Whitney’s longtime commitment to illuminating the times in
which we live. America has a profound influence on the daily lives of the world’s citizens,
and the image of the United States has come to bear almost mythological weight. The
American Effect is about the ways in which America’s real and imagined effects intertwine
to become a compelling source of themes, images, and ideas for artists around the world.

Source: ホイットニー美術館 / アメリカン・エフェクト



 Rinder, Lawrence, 'The American Effect'


p.15 "Since the end of Cold War, America has become more and more explicit about its right to act unilaterally, and even preemptively, to maintain its security and economic interests through military action. The recent invasion of Iraq in the absence of United Nations support exemplifies this emerging doctrine."


第二次世界大戦における日本国民の戦争責任についても批判されることだが、このアメリカ合衆国とイラクとの戦争において「支持していない」とされるアメリカ合衆国民は果たして「被害者」なのか?  イラクへの空爆と、治安の不安定化によって積み重ねされる死体の山の上で手にされる利益を「私たちは」享受しないとでも言うのか?


 Ali, Tariq, 'Hegemony'

p.125 "What did they teach me, those endless afternoons spent watching the cinematic reconstruction of a violent past, a history of an ever-expanding frontier? Whichever side you supported, one fact was unchallengeable. The hegemony achieved by the settler-republic over its native inhabitants was the result of pure coercion. Consent was neither sought nor desired."

p.133 "The new Bush doctrine makes it very clear. If any state attempts to challenge U.S. hegemony, it will have to be crushed by preemptive strikes. It is the imposition of this hegemony, the forms it assumes as well as the resistance it generates, that will mark the politics of the present century."


 ホイットニー美術館 / アメリカン・エフェクト




