アスラフンさんの研究成果が、国際ジャーナルであるReproduction, Fertility, and Develoipmentに発表され、表紙の写真にも。

バングラデシュからの留学生のアスラフンさんの論文が、世界中の繁殖や産婦人科の研究者が読むReproduction, Fertility, and Development誌に発表されます。しかも表紙(Issue 6)の写真にも採用されることになりましたので、とても高い評価です。





Reproduction, Fertility, and Development誌のエディターやレフェリーからは、論文を非常に高く評価され、特に次のような評価を得ています:





Suppressed expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the oviducts of lean and obese cows.
Nahar A, Kadokawa H.

Oviducts synthesise macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) to promote sperm capacitation and embryogenesis. This study aimed to test a hypothesis that the oviducts of obese cows may express MIF at a lower level than those of normal and lean cows. Ampullar and isthmic oviduct sections were collected from lean (n = 5; body condition score (BCS) on a 5-point scale, 2.5), normal (n = 6; BCS, 3.0) and obese (n = 5; BCS, 4.0) Japanese Black cows. MIF mRNA and protein were extracted from ampullae and isthmuses and their levels measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction or western blot. Immunohistochemistry was performed on frozen sections of ampullae and isthmuses by using antibodies to MIF. MIF mRNA and protein expression were lower in the obese and lean groups than in the normal group (P < 0.05). Immunohistochemistry revealed that the primary site of MIF expression in the ampulla and isthmus is the tunica mucosa. In conclusion, obese cows have suppressed MIF expression in the ampullae and isthmuses of their oviducts, as hypothesised, but, unexpectedly, MIF expression was also lower in lean cows.


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