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Our group has awarded by The Society for Reproduction and Development (SRD) !


The SRD awarded our group for

"Discovery of new receptors to control LH and FSH secretions from bovine gonadotoph, and clarify their importance for animal reproduction"

SRD was established in 1948 to encourage the study of reproductive biology in wild, domestic, laboratory, and companion animals. Members of our Society have contributed to the cutting edge of research in reproductive biology in this country, which promotes the use and establishment of a high level of biotechnology. Further details of SRD are in the following link: here

Followings are some of important discovereis for the award.


‚PD    GnRH receprots are on a special region of membrane, termed "lipid raft", on bovine gonadotorph.


Fig. 1 @GnRH receptors shown as green fluoreschence on the "lipid raft" of bovine gonadotrophs.


‚QD    We utilized next-generation sequnece for RNA-seq, and we discovered several genes including new receptors@(GPR61AGPR153AAMHR2).
The newly discovered receprots are colocalized with GnRH receprots on the lipid raft. Furthermore, the activated GPR61 or AMHR2 by each ligands stimulate LH and FSH secretions from bovine gonadotrophs.

Further deteils for AMHR2are in the following linkFhere@



Fig. 2 GPR61 are colocalized with GnRH receptors on the lipid raft of bovine gonadotrophs. GPR61 activated by the ligand stimulate LH and FSH secretions from bovine goonadotrophs.


‚RD    Bovine gonadotrophs express also membrane receptor for estrogens, GPR30, which has new name "GPER".
Estradiol (E2) bind GPR30 within a few minutes, and suppress LH secretion via a new mechanism, termed "non-genomic mechanism" which are independent from changes in mRNA expression of LH and FSH genes, unlike the clasical "genomic mechanism".

Also other endogenous estrogens, enstrone (E1) and estriol (E3) can activate GPR30 and suppress LH secretion from bovine gonadotrophs.
Furthermnore, estrogen like chemical synthesized fungi in feed in the world, zearalenoe and its various metabolietes, can ctivate GPR30 and suppress LH secretion from bovine gonadotrophs.



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