My interests
1. Behavior of the transition metal ions among the multiple octahedral sites in silicate minerals occuring under low-grade metamorphism and hydrothermal activity
2. Relationship between the oxidataion state of transition metal ions and hydrogen-bond system
3. Systematic study of Mn-rich hydro-silicates having pentavalent cations, such as As5+, V5+, P5+, in tetrahedral sites
4. Systematic study of hydro-pyroxenoids
5. Crystal chemistry of natural zeolite

Hydrogen-bond systems in pumpellyite (Nagashima, Armbruster and Libowiztky 2010)
Pumpellyite has the two different H-bond systems depending on the oxidation state of cation at X.
My technical skills
Chemical analysis: Electron probe micro analyzer (EMPA)
Powder diffractometry: X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD)
Synthesis experiments: cold-seal pressure vessel and piston-cylinder apparatus
Structural analysis: X-ray single-crystal analysis (CAD4/CCD system), X-ray and neutron Rietveld analysis by RIETAN software
Spectroscopy: 57Fe Moessbauer, Infrared, Raman and LA-ICP-MS spectroscopy
Others: DTA-TG analysis