- 動体追跡装置のコミッショニングに関する研究
- EPIDと腫瘍追跡ログを用いた動体追跡放射線治療の品質管理法の開発
- 腫瘍モニタリングのための被ばく線量計算システムの開発
- 動体追跡放射線治療の品質管理高度化のためのロボットファントムシステムの構築
- 呼吸性移動を伴う腫瘍位置予測モデルの開発
- 金属マーカを使用しない肺腫瘍追跡技術の開発
- Visual coachingを用いた呼吸コーチングシステムの開発 (島津製作所,安西メディカル共同研究)
- 腹部圧迫による呼吸抑制法に関する研究
- 深層学習を用いた腫瘍追跡モニタリング被ばく線量低減に関する研究

Evaluation of a combined respiratory-gating system comprising the TrueBeam linear accelerator and a new real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy system: a preliminary study.
Shiinoki T, Kawamura S, Uehara T, Yuasa Y, Fujimoto K, Koike M, Sera T, Emoto Y, Hanazawa H, Shibuya K.
J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2016 Jul 8;17(4):202-213. Erratum in: J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2017 Jul;18(4):238. -
Verification of respiratory-gated radiotherapy with new real-time tumour-tracking radiotherapy system using cine EPID images and a log file.
Shiinoki T, Hanazawa H, Yuasa Y, Fujimoto K, Uehara T, Shibuya K.
Phys Med Biol. 2017 Feb 21;62(4):1585-1599. -
Estimation of patient-specific imaging dose for real-time tumour monitoring in lung patients during respiratory-gated radiotherapy.
Shiinoki T, Onizuka R, Kawahara D, Suzuki T, Yuasa Y, Fujimoto K, Uehara T, Hanazawa H, Shibuya K.
Phys Med Biol. 2018 Mar 21;63(6):065016. -
Evaluation of the effects of motion mitigation strategies on respiration-induced motion in each pancreatic region using cine-magnetic resonance imaging.
Fujimoto K, Shiinoki T, Yuasa Y, Onizuka R, Yamane M.
J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2019 Sep;20(9):42-50. -
Prediction of lung tumor motion using nonlinear autoregressive model with exogenous input.
Jiang K, Fujii F, Shiinoki T.
Phys Med Biol. 2019 Oct 1. doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ab49ea. -
A Novel dynamic robotic moving phantom system for patient-specific quality assurance in real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy.
Shiinoki T, Fujii F, Fujimoto F, Yuasa Y, Sera T.
2020 Jul;21(7):16-28. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12876. Epub 2020 Apr 13. -
Analysis of dosimetric impact of intrafraction translation and rotation during respiratory-gated stereotactic body radiotherapy with real-time tumor monitoring of the lung using a novel six degrees-of-freedom robotic moving phantom.
Shiinoki T, Fujii F, Yuasa Y, Nonomura T, Fujimoto K, Sera T, Tanaka H.
Med Phys.2020 Sep;47(9):3870-3881. doi: 10.1002/mp.14369. Epub 2020 Jul 28.
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine 60th Annual meeting “Best in Physics award”
4D dynamic robotic phantom system for patient-specific quality assurance in real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy
T.Shiinoki, F.Fujii, K. Fujimoto, Y.Yuasa, T.Uehara, T.Sera, R.Onizuka -
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine “Medical Physics Notable paper in the September 2020”
Analysis of dosimetric impact of intrafraction translation and rotation during respiratory-gated stereotactic body radiotherapy with real-time tumor monitoring of the lung using a novel six degrees-of-freedom robotic moving phantom.
Shiinoki T, Fujii F, Yuasa Y, Nonomura T, Fujimoto K, Sera T, Tanaka H.
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B)) -
がん研究振興財団: がん研究助成(A) -
新日本先進医療研究財団: がん研究助成 -
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) -
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) -
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) -
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(奨励研究)

医学物理の視点から見るPrecision Medicineに向けた放射線治療
椎木 健裕, 田中 秀和.
RadFan2020年12月号. -
Prediction of EGFR Mutations, Subtypes, and Uncommon Mutations in Lung Adenocarcinoma Based On Machine Learning.
Kawazoe Y, Shiinoki T, Fujimoto K, Yuasa Y, Hirano T, Matsunaga K, Tanaka H.
AAPM 2021, 63rd Annual Meeting. -
Predicting PD-L1 Expression Level in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer On Computed tomography Using Machine Learning.
T Shiinoki*, K Fujimoto, Y Kawazoe, Y Yuasa, M Kajima, Y Manabe, T Hirano, K Matsunaga, H Tanaka.
AAPM 2021, 63rd Annual Meeting. -
Predicting programmed death-ligand 1 expression level in non-small cell lung cancer using a combination of peritumoral and intratumoral radiomic features on computed tomography
Shiinoki T, Fujimoto K, Kawazoe K, Yuasa Y, Kajima M, Manabe Y, Ono T, Hirano T, Matsunaga K, Tanaka H.
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 8(2) 025008-025008 2022 March 1.
Efficacy of patient-specific bolus created using three-dimensional printing technique in photon radiotherapy.
Fujimoto K, Shiinoki T, Yuasa Y, Hanazawa H, Shibuya K.
Phys Med. 2017 Jun;38:1-9. -
Effect of gantry speed on accuracy of extracted target motion trajectories and image quality in 4D-CBCT: Phantom study.
Yuasa Y, Shiinoki T, Fujimoto K, Hanazawa H, Uehara T, Koike M, Shibuya K.
Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 3 (2017) 067001 -
Estimation of effective imaging dose and excess absolute risk of secondary cancer incidence for four-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography acquisition.
Yuasa Y, Shiinoki T, Onizuka R, Fujimoto K.
J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2019 Nov;20(11):57-68. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12741. - The European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology 38, Nomination for the BEST Poster Award in the category of Physics
Assessment of CT-based imaging biomarker of COPD in IGRT planning for lung cancer patients.
T.Shiinoki, Y.Yuasa, K.Fujimoto -
Estimation of four-dimensional CT-based imaging biomarker of liver fibrosis using finite element method
K.Fujimoto, T.Shiinoki, Y.Yuasa.
Proc. SPIE 11313, Medical Imaging 2020: Image Processing, 113130J (10 March 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2548280 -
Estimation of liver elasticity using the finite element method and four-dimensional computed tomography images as a biomarker of liver fibrosis
K.Fujimoto, T.Shiinoki, Y.Yuasa and H.Tanaka
Med Phys 2021 Jan 15. doi: 10.1002/mp.14723. Online ahead of print. -
Comparing Estimated Liver Elasticity Based On the Finite Element Method to MR-Elastography for Distribution of Liver Fibrosis
K Fujimoto, T Shiinoki, Y Yuasa, Y Kawazoe, M Yamane, T Sera, H Tanaka
AAPM 2021, 63rd Annual Meeting. -
Usefulness of 4DCT-Based Elasticity Map for Function Preserving Liver Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
T Sera, T Shiinoki, K Fujimoto, Y Yuasa, Y Kawazoe, H Tanaka.
AAPM 2021, 63rd Annual Meeting. -
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(若手研究) -
Single-energy CT-based perfusion imaging in thoracic and abdominal region based on the convolution neural network
Y. Yuasa, T. Shiinoki, K. Fujimoto, H. Tanaka.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 15(S1) 1 – 214. -
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(若手研究)



