
Yang Y, Sakimoto Y, Goshima M, Mitsushima D. Shorter infantile amnesia in females: important implications for the next generation.
Cells, 14(5) 354, 2025.

Min-Kaung-Wint-Mon, Kida H, Kanehisa I, Kurose M, Ishikawa J, Sakimoto Y, Paw-Min-Thein-Oo, Kimura R, Mitsushima D. Adverse effects of Abeta1-42 oligomers: impaired contextual memory and altered intrinsic properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons. 
Biomolecules, 14: 1425, 2024.

Yang Y, Sakimoto Y, Mitsushima D. Navigating life-work harmony as an international doctoral student. 
J Appl Physiol, 137(4) 1067-1067, 2024.

Kida H, Toyoshima S, Kawakami R, Sakimoto Y, Mitsushima D. Properties of layer V pyramidal neurons in the primary motor cortex that represents acquired motor skills. 
Neuroscience, 559:54-63, 2024.

Ishihara Y, Tomohara Y, Fujimoto K, Murai H, Ishikawa J, Mitsushima D. Method to find key shapelets from ripples in hippocampus of rats. 
IEEJ Trans. 19(10): 1749-1751, 2024.

Yang Y, Sakimoto Y, Mitsushima D. Postnatal development of synaptic plasticity at hippocampal CA1 synapses: correlation of learning performance with pathway-specific plasticity.
Brain Sciences 14(4): 382. 2024.

Ishihara Y, Fujimoto K, Murai H, Ishikawa J, Mitsushima D. Classification of hippocampal ripples: convolutional neural network learns episode-specific changes.
Brain Sciences 14(2): 177. 2024.

Kuremoto T, Ishikawa J, Mabu S, Mitsushima D. Recognition of brain wave related to the episode memory by deep learning methods. 
IntechOpen - invited book chapter, doi:10.5772/intechopen.112531, 2023.

Kida H, Kawakami R, Sakai K, Otaku H, Imamura K, Han-Thiri-Zin, Sakimoto Y, Mitsushima D. Motor training promotes both synaptic and intrinsic plasticity of layer V pyramidal neurons in the primary motor cortex. 
The Journal of Physiology, 601(2): 335-353,, 2023.

Kuremoto T, Ishikawa J, Sasaki T, Mabu S, Mitsushima D. Matching the ripple-wave to the episodic memory - a case study of rat. corrspond to Internal Medicine Review 2021
Stress Brain and Behavior: ISBS conference. 2: e022004, doi:10.34417/sbb.2.1.19, 2022.

Sakimoto Y, Shintani A, Yoshiura D, Goshima  M, Kida H, Mitsushima D. A critical period for learning and plastic changes at hippocampal CA1 synapses.
Scientific Reports, 12(1): 7199, doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-10453-z, 2022.

Paw-Min-Thein-Oo, Sakimoto Y, Mitsushima D. Diversity of learning-induced synaptic plasticity at dorsal CA1 synapses: a possible underlying mechanism of contextual memory formation.
Medical Research Archives, review in European Society of Medicine,, 2022.

Sakimoto Y, Paw-Min-Thein-Oo, Goshima M, Kanehisa I, Tsukada Y, Mitsushima D. Significance of GABAA receptor for  cognitive function and hippocampal pathology.
Int J Mol Sci, 22(22): 12456,, 2021.

Kuremoto T, Sasaki T, Ishikawa J, Mabu S, Mitsuhsima D. Hippocampal memory recognition using a deep learning method.
Internal Medicine Review, volume 7 issue 1, 2021. Republished in 2022 due to the publisher's problem.

Islam MN, Sakimoto Y, Jahan MR, Miyasato E, Tarif AMM, Nozaki K, Matsumoto K, Yanai A, Mitsushima D, Shinoda K. Andogen affects the inhibitory avoidance memory by primarily acting on androgen receptor in the brain in adolescent male rats. 
Brain Sciences, 11:239, 2021.

Islam MN, Sakimoto Y, Jahan MR, Ishida M, Tarif AMM, Nozaki K, Matsumoto K, Yanai A, Mitsushima D, Shinoda K. Andogen affects the dynamics of intrinsic plasticity of pyramidal neurons in the CA1 hippocampal subfield in adolescent male rats. 
Neuroscience, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.05.025. 440:15-29, 2020.

Paw-Min-Thein-Oo, Sakimoto Y, Kida H, Mitsushima D. Proximodistal heterogeneity in learning-promoted pathway-specific plasticity at dorsal CA1 synapses. 
Neuroscience, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.04.040. 437: 184-194, 2020.

Ishikawa J, Sakurai Y, Ishikawa A, Mitsushima D. Contribution of the prefrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala to behavioral decision-making under reward/punishment conflict. 
Psychopharmacology, 237: 639-654, 2020. 

Ishikawa J, Tomokage T, Mitsushima D. A possible coding for experience: ripple-like events and synaptic diversity. 
BioRxiv,  preprint publication, 2019.

Sakimoto Y, Kida H, Mitsushima D. Temporal dynamics of learning-promoted synaptic diversity in CA1 pyramidal neurons.
FASEB J, doi:10.1096/fj.201801893RRR, 33(12): 14382-14393, 2019.

Moriyama H, Nomura S, Kida H, Inoue T, Imoto H, Maruta Y, Fujiyama Y, Mitsushima D, Suzuki M. Suppressive effects of cooling compounds icilin on penicillin G-induced epileptiform discharges in anesthetized rats.
Front Pharmacol. 10: 652. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00652, 2019.

Ishikawa J, Ishikawa A. The loop neural circuit between the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in the rat brain.
Neurosci Lett. 712(1):134476,, 2019.

He Y, Inoue T, Nomura S, Maruta Y, Kida H, Yamakawa T, Hirayama Y, Imoto H, Suzuki M.
Limitations of local brain cooling on generalized motor seizures from unknown foci in awake rats
Neurol Med Chir. 59(4): 147-153, doi: 10.2176/nmc.oa.2018-0112, 2019.

Sakimoto Y, Mizuno J, Kida H, Kamiya Y, Ono Y, Mitsushima D.
Learning promotes subfield-specific synaptic diversity in hippocampal CA1 neurons.
Cerebral Cortex, 29: 2183-2195, doi:10.1093/cercor/bhz022, 2019.

Yamamoto Y, Kida H, Kagawa Y, Yasumoto Y, Miyazaki H, Islam A, Ogata M, Yanagawa Y, Mitsushima D, Fukunaga K, Owada Y. FABP3 in the anterior cingulate cortex modulates the methylation status of the glutamic acid decarboxylase67 promoter region.
J Neurosci, 38: 10411-10423; doi: 

Nomura S, Kida H, Hirayama Y, Imoto H, Inoue T, Moriyama H, Mitsushima D, Suzuki M. 
Reduction of spike generation frequency by cooling in brain slices from rats and from patients with epilepsy. 
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 39(11): 2286-2294. doi:10.1177/0271678X18795365. 2018.

Sakimoto Y, Sakata S. The role of the hippocampal theta rhythm in non-spatial discrimination and associative learning task.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,, 2018.

Kida H, Mitsushima D. Mechanisms of motor learning mediated by synaptic plasticity in rat primary motor cortex.
Neurosci Res, 128: 14-18, invited review article, 2017.

Kida H, Sakimoto Y, Mitsushima D. Slice patch-clamp technique for analyzing learning-induced plasticity.
J Vis Exp, e55876, doi:10.3791/55876, invited from editor, 2017.

Mitsushima D. Synaptic diversity and quantification of intra-hippocampal contextual memory.
Neurol Neurother 2(2): 000113, invited review, 2017.

Mitsushima D. Learning-induced synaptic diversity and quantification of intra-hippocampal entropy.
J Psychol Clin Psychiatry, 8(1): 00471, doi: 10.15406/jpcpy.2017.08.00471, invited review, 2017.

Soriano J, Kubo T, Inoue T, Kida H, Yamakawa T, Suzuki M, Ikeda K. Differential temperature sensitivity of synaptic and firing processes in a neural mass model of epileptic discharges explains heterogeneous response of experimental epilepsy to focal brain cooling.
PLoS Computational Biology, Oct; 13(10): e1005736. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005736. 2017.

Inoue T, Fujii M, Kida H, Yamakawa T, Maruta Y, Tokiwa T, He Y, Nomura S, Owada Y, Yamakawa T, Suzuki M. Epidural focal brain cooling abolishes neocortical seizures in cats and non-human primates. 
Neurosci Res. 122:35-44. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2017.04.007, 2017.

Sakimoto Y, Mitsushima D. Examination of configural association theory and conflict resolution model through hippocampal theta activity. 
Neurotransmitter, 3: e1478, doi:10.14800/nt.1478, invited review, 2016.

Kida H, Tsuda Y, Ito N, Yamamoto Y, Owada Y, Kamiya Y, Mitsushima D. 
Motor training promotes both synaptic and intrinsic plasticity of layer II/III pyramidal neurons in the primary motor cortex.
Cerebral Cortex, 26:3494-3507, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw134. 2016.

Ebrahimi M, Yamamoto Y, Sharifi K, Kida H, Kagawa Y, Yasumoto Y, Islam A, Miyazaki H, Shimamoto C, Maekawa M, Mitsushima D, Yoshikawa T, Owada Y. 
Astrocyte-expressed FABP7 regulates dendritic morphology and excitatory synaptic function of cortical neurons.
Glia, 64(1):48-62, doi: 10.1002/glia.22902. 2016.

Mitsushima D. 
Contextual learning requires functional diversity at excitatory and inhibitory synapses onto CA1 pyramidal neurons.
AIMS Neuroscience, invited review 2(1):7-17, 2015.

Sakimoto Y, Sakata S.
The transient decline in hippocampal theta power during response inhibition in a positive patterning task.
NeuroReport, 26:833-837, 2015.

Sakimoto Y, Sakata S.
Behavioral inhibition during a conflict state elicits a transient decline in hippocampal theta power.
Behav Brain Res, 290:70-76, 2015.

Sakimoto Y, Sakata S.
Change in hippocampal theta activity during behavioral inhibition for a stimulus having an overlapping element.
Behav Brain Res, 282:111-116, 2015.

Hosokawa T, Mitsushima D, Kaneko R, Hayashi Y.
Stoichiometry and phosphoisotypes of hippocampal AMPA-type glutamate receptor phosphorylation.
Neuron, 85(1): 60-67, 2015.

Ishikawa J, Nishimura R, Ishikawa A.
Early-life stress induces anxiety-like behaviors and activity imbalances in the medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala in adult rats.
Eur J Neurosci, 41:442-453, 2015.

Ishikawa J, Ogawa Y, Owada Y, Ishikawa A.
Hyperlocomotor activity and stress vulnerability during adulthood induced by social isolation after early weaning are prevented by voluntary running exercise before normal weaning period.
Behav Brain Res, 264:197-206, 2014.

Sakimoto Y, Sakata S.
Hippocampal theta activity during behavioral inhibition for conflicting stimuli.
Behav Brain Res, 275:183-190, 2014.

Shimegi S, Ishikawa A, Kida H, Sakamoto H, Hara SI, Sato H.
Spatiotemporal characteristics of surround suppression in the primary visual cortex and the lateral genicualte nucleus of cat.
J Neurophysiol, 112:603-619, 2014.

Matsui T, Kida H, Iha T, Obara T, Nomura S, Fujimiya T, Suzuki M.
Effects of hypothermia on ex vivo microglial production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide in hypoxic-ischemic brain-injured mice.
Folia Neuropathologica, 52:151-158, 2014.

Sakimoto Y, Sakata S. 
Change in hippocampal theta activity with transfer from simple discrimination tasks to a simultaneous feature-negative task.
Front Behav Neurosci, 8:159. doi: 10.3389, 2014.

Urakawa S, Mitsushima D, Shimozuru M, Sakuma Y, Kondo Y.
An enriched rearing environment calms adult male rat sexual activity: implication for distinct serotonergic and hormonal responses to females.
PLoS ONE, 9(2):e87911, 2014.

Takase K, Sakimoto Y, Kimura F, Mitsushima D.
Developmental trajectory of contextual learning and 24-h acetylcholine release in the hippocampus.
Scientific Reports 4, 3738 doi:10.1038/ srep03738, 2014.

Ishikawa K, Yasuda S, Fukuhara K, Iwanaga Y, Ishikawa J, Yamagata H, Ono M, Kakeda T, Ishikawa T. 
4-Methylcatechol prevents derangements of BDNF and TrkB-related signaling in anterior cingulate cortex in chronic pain with depression-like behaviour. 
NeuroReport, 25:226-232, 2014.

Mitsushima D, Sano A, Takahashi T.
A cholinergic trigger drives learning-induced plasticity at hippocampal synapses.
Nature Communications, 4:2760 doi: 10.1038/ ncomms3760, 2013.

Sakimoto Y, Sakata S.
The decline in rat hippocampal theta activity during response inhibition for the compound stimulus of negative patterning and simultaneous feature-negative tasks.
Behav Brain Res, 257:111-117, 2013.

Tada H, Kuroki Y, Funabashi T, Kamiya Y, Goto T, Suyama K, Sano A, Mitsushima D, Etgen AM, Takahashi T.
Phasic synaptic incorporation of GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors at gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons is involved in the generation of the luteinizing hormone surge in female rats.
Neuroscience, 248: 664-669, 2013.

Shinoyama M, Ideguchi M, Kida H, Kajiwara K, Kagawa Y, Maeda Y, Nomura S, Suzuki M.
Cortical region-specific engraftment of embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells restores axonal sprouting to a subcortical target and achieves motor functional recovery in a mouse model of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Aug 21; 7:128, 2013.

Kida H, Nomura S, Shinoyama M, Ideguchi M, Owada Y and Suzuki M.
The effect of hypothermia therapy on cortical laminar disruption following ischemic injury in neonatal mice.
PLoS ONE, 8(7): e68877, 2013.

Sakimoto Y, Okada K, Takeda K, Sakata S.
Transient decline in hippocampal theta activity during the acquisition process of a negative patterning task.
PLoS ONE, 8(7): e70756, 2013

Tokiwa T, Inoue T, Fujii M, Ishizuka S, Aou S, Kida H, Maruta Y, Yamakawa T, Nomura S, Suzuki M, Yamakawa T.
Penicillin-induced epileptiform activity elevates focal brain temperature in anesthetized rats.
Neurosci Res, 76:257-260, 2013.

Sakimoto Y, Takeda K, Okada K, Hattori M, Sakata S.
Transient decline in rats' hippocampal theta power relates to inhibitory stimulus-reward association.
Behav Brain Res, 246: 132-138, 2013.

Sakimoto Y, Hattori M, Takeda K, Okada K, Sakata S.
An activity of the hippocampal theta wave during configural and non-configural tasks in rats.
Exp Brain Res, 225: 177-185, 2013.

Sakimoto Y, Okada K, Hattori M, Takeda K, Sakata S.
Neural activity in the hippocampus during conflict resolution.
Behav Brain Res, 237: 1-6, 2013.

Kikuchi T, Tan H, Mihara T, Uchimoto K, Mitsushima D, Takase K, Morita S, Goto T, Andoh T, Kamiya Y.
Effects of volatile anesthetics on the circadian rhythms of rat hippocampal acetylcholine release and locomotor activity.
Neuroscience, 237: 151-160, 2013.

He Y, Fujii M, Inoue T, Nomura S, Maruta Y, Oka F, Shirao S, Owada Y, Kida H, Kunitsugu I, Yamakawa T, Tokiwa T, Yamakawa T, Suzuki M.
Neuroprotective effects of focal brain cooling on photochemically-induced cerebral infarction in rats: analysis from a neurophysiological perspective.
Brain Res, 1497: 53-60, 2013.

Ishikawa J, Ishikawa A.
The effects of voluntary running exercise coincidence with social isolation after early weaning on monoaminergic axonal development.
Neuroscience, 230: 31-38, 2013.

Mitsushima D.
Hippocampal function and gonadal steroids.
Steroids - from physiology to clinical medicine. Edited by Prof. Sergej Ostojic, In-Tech Europe, Rijeka, Croatia. 65-82, 2012.

Kida H, Fujii M, Inoue T, He Y, Maruta Y, Nomura S, Taniguchi K, Ichikawa T, Saito T, Yamakawa T, Suzuki M.
Focal brain cooling terminates the faster frequency components of epileptic discharges induced by penicillin G in anesthetized rats.
Clinical Neurophysiology,123: 1708-1713, 2012.

Nomue S, Kagawa Y, Kida H, Maruta Y, Imoto H, Fujii M, Suzuki M.
Effects of intrathecal baclofen therapy on motor and cognitive functions in a rat model of cerebral palsy.
J Neurousurg Pediatr. 9: 209-215, 2012.

Mitsushima D, Ishihara K, Sano A, Kessels HW, Takahashi T.
Contextual learning requires synaptic AMPA receptor delivery in the hippocampus.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 108: 12503-12508, 2011.

Mitsushima D.
Sex differences in the cholinergic system in rats: behavioural consequences.
Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences (CTBN) book series. Editor: Prof. Jo Neil. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. 8: 57-71, 2011.

Mitsushima D.
Sex steroids and acetylcholine release in hippocampus.
Vitamins and Hormones - Hormones of the limbic system.
Editor: Prof. Gerald Litwack. Academic Press /Elsevier, NY, USA. 82: 263-277, 2010.

Solinger JA, Paolinelli R, Kloss H, Scorza FB, Marchesi S, Sauder U, Mitsushima D, Capuani F, Sturzenbaum SR, Cassata G.
The Caenorhabditis elegans Elongator complex regulates neuronal alpha-tubulin acetylation.
PLoS Genet, 6: e1000820. Jan, 2010.

Takase K, Mitsushima D.
Sex difference in learning and memory: effects of sex differentiation, development, and environments on the basal forebrain cholinergic system.
Horizons in Neuroscience Research, Volume 2. Editor: Dr. Andres Costa and Eugenio Villalba, Nova Science Publisher Inc, NY, USA. 2010.

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Mitsushima D.
Neural network controlling GnRH neurons in sexual dimorphism of gonadotropin release.
Current Trends in Endocrinology, Editor: Prof. Ninu Joseph. Research Trends, Kerala, India. 4: 65-75, 2010.

Higashida T, Jitsuki S, Kubo A, Mitsushima D, Kamiya Y, Kanno H.
Skin-derived precursors differentiate into dopaminergic neuronal cells in the brains of Parkinson's disease model rats.
J Neurosurg, 113: 648-655, 2010.

Furuta M, Mitsushima D, Shinohara K, Kimura F, Funabashi T.
Food availability affects orexin A/ hypocretin-1-induced inhibition of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in female rats.
Neuroendocrinology, 91: 41-47, 2010.

Hagiwara H, Kimura F, Mitsushima D, Funabashi T.
Formalin-induced nociceptive behavior and c-Fos expression in middle-aged female rats.
Physiol Behav, 100: 101-104, 2010.

Ishikawa A, Shimegi S, Kida H, Sato H.
Temporal properties of spatial frequency tuning of surround suppression in the primary visual cortex and the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat.
Eur J Neurosci. 31: 2086-2100, 2010.

Munetsuna E, Hattori M, Sakimoto Y, Ishida A, Sakata S, Hojo Y, Kawato S, Yamazaki T.
Environmental enrichment alters gene expression of steroidogenic enzymes in the rat hippocampus.
Gen Comp Endocrinol, 171: 28-32, 2010.

Munetsuna E, Hattori M, Komatsu S, Sakimoto Y, Ishida A, Sakata S, Hojo Y, Kawato S, Yamazaki T.
Social isolation stimulates hippocampal estradiol synthesis.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 379: 480-484, 2009.

Mitsushima D, Takase K, Takahashi T, Kimura F.
Activational and organizational effects of gonadal steroids on sex-specific acetylcholine release in the dorsal hippocampus.
J Neuroendocrinol, review article, 21: 400-405, 2009.

Mitsushima D, Takase K, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Gonadal steroids maintain 24-h acetylcholine release in the hippocampus: organizational and activational effects in behaving rats.
J Neurosci, 29: 3808-3815, 2009.

Funabashi T, Hagiwara H, Mogi K, Mitsushima D, Shinohara K, Kimura F.
Sex differences in the responses of orexin neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area and feeding behavior to fasting.
Neurosci Lett, 463: 31-34, 2009.

Hagiwara H, Ishida M, Arita J, Mitsushima D, Takahashi T, Kimura F, Funabashi T.
The cAMP response element-binding protein in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis modulates the formalin-induced pain behavior in the female rat.
Eur J Neurosci, 30: 2379-2386, 2009.

Takase K, Kimura F, Yagami T, Mitsushima D.
Sex-specific 24-h acetylcholine release profile in the medial prefrontal cortex: simultaneous measurement of spontaneous locomotor activity in behaving rats.
Neuroscience, 159: 7-15, 2009.

Jitsuki S, Kimura F, Funabashi T, Takahashi T, Mitsushima D.
Sex-specific 24-h profile of extracellular serotonin levels in the medial prefrontal cortex.
Brain Res, 1260: 30-37, 2009.

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Mitsushima D, Yamamoto S, Funabashi T, Fujimaki H.
Strain differences in extracellular amino acid neurotransmitter levels in the hippocampi of MHC-congenic mice in response to toluene exposure.
Neuroimmunomodulation, 16: 185-190, 2009.

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Hojo R, Mitsushima D, Nakajima D, Yamamoto S, Fujimaki H.
Establishment of a mouse model to assess brain neurotransmitter level and learning performance simultaneously following toxic chemical exposure: using in vivo microdialysis and schedule-controlled operant behavior.
J UOEH, 31: 1-11, 2009.

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Mitsushima D, Yamamoto S, Fujitani Y, Funabashi T, Hirano S, Fujimaki H.
Extracellular glutamate level and NMDA receptor subunit expression in mouse olfactory bulb following nanoparticle-rich diesel exhaust exposure.
Inhalation Toxicology, 21: 828-836, 2009.

Mitsushima D, Takase K, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Gonadal steroid hormones maintain the stress-induced acetylcholine release in the hippocampus: simultaneous measurements of the extracellular acetylcholine and serum corticosterone levels in the same subjects.
Endocrinology, 149: 802-811, 2008

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Mitsushima D, Yamamoto S, Fukushima A, Funabashi T, Kobayashi T, Fujimaki H.
Changes in neurotransmitter levels and proinflammatory cytokine mRNA expressions in the mice olfactory bulb following nanoparticle exposure.
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 226: 192-198, 2008.

Takase K, Mitsushima D, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Postpubertal feeding experience affects sex-specific spatial ability in rats.
Physiol Behav, 93: 553-559, 2008.

Margolis EB, Mitchell JM, Ishikawa J, Hjelmstad GO, Fields HL.
Midbrain dopamine neurons: Projection target determines action potential duration and dopamine D2 receptor inhibition.
J Neurosci, 28: 8908-8913, 2008.

Liu Y, Kagechika H, Ishikawa J, Hirano H, Matsukuma S, Tanaka K, Nakamura S.
Effects of retinoic acids on the dendritic morphology of cultured hippocampal neurons.
J Neurochem, 106: 1104-1116, 2008.

Ishikawa J, Sutoh C, Ishikawa A, Kagechika H, Hirano H, Nakamura S.
13-cis Retinoic acid alters the cellular morphology of slice-cultured serotonergic neurons in the rat.
Eur J Neurosci, 27: 2363-2372, 2008.

Ishikawa J, Ishikawa A, Nakamura S.
Interferon-alpha reduces the density of monoaminergic axons in the rat brain.
NeuroReport, 18: 137-140, 2007.

Fukushima A, Funabashi T, Kawaguchi M, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Bisphenol A induces expression of transforming growth factor-beta3 messenger ribonucleic acid in the medial preoptic area of adult ovariectomized rats as revealed by cDNA expression array.
Neurosci Lett, 411: 81-85, 2007.

Hagiwara H, Funabashi T, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Effects of neonatal testosterone treatment on sex differences in formalin-induced nociceptive behavior in rats.
Neurosci Lett, 412: 264-267, 2007.

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Mitsushima D, Nakajima D, Ahmed S, Yamamoto S, Tsukahara S, Kakeyama M, Goto S, Fujimaki H.
Toluene induces rapid and reversible rise of hippocampal glutamate and taurine neurotransmitter levels in mice.
Toxicol Lett, 168:75-82, 2007.

Takase K, Mitsushima D, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Sex difference in the 24-h acetylcholine release profile in the premotor/supplementary motor area of behaving rats.
Brain Res, 1154:105-115, 2007.

Mitsushima D, Yamada K, Takase K, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Sex differences in the basolateral amygdala: the extracellular levels of serotonin and dopamine, and their responses to restraint stress in rats.
Eur J Neurosci, 24: 3245-3254, 2006.

Wang R, Hosaka M, Han L, Yokota-Hashimoto H, Suda M, Mitsushima D, Torii S, Takeuchi T.
Molecular probes for sensing the cholesterol composition of subcellular organelle membranes.
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1761: 1169-1181, 2006.

Furuta M, Funabashi T, Kawaguchi M, Nakamura TJ, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Effects of p-nonylphenol and 4-tert-octylphenol on the anterior pituitary function in adult ovariectomized rats.
Neuroendocrinology, 84: 14-20, 2006.

Funabashi T, Sano A, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Nicotine inhibits pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion in human males but not in human females, and tolerance to this nicotine effect is lost within one week of quitting smoking.
J Clin Endocrinol Metabol, 90: 3908-3913, 2005.

Masuda J, Mitsushima D, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Sex and housing conditions affect the 24-h acetylcholine release profile in the hippocampus in rats.
Neuroscience, 132: 537-542, 2005.

Mogi K, Funabashi T, Mitsushima D, Hagiwara H, Kimura F.
Sex difference in the response of melanin-concentrating hormone neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area to glucose, as revealed by the expression of phosphorylated cyclic adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate response element-binding protein.
Endocrinology, 146: 3325-3333, 2005.

Takase K, Funabashi T, Mogi K, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Feeding with powdered diet after weaning increases visuospatial ability in association with increases in the expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the hippocampus of female rats.
Neurosci Res, 53: 169-175, 2005.

Kida H, Shimegi S, Sato H.
Similarity of direction tuning among responses to stimulation of different whiskers in neurons of rat barrel cortex.
J Neurophysiol. 94: 2004-2018, 2005.

Takase K, Mitsushima D, Masuda J, Mogi K, Funabashi T, Endo Y, Kimura F.
Feeding with powdered diet after weaning affects sex difference in acetylcholine release in the hippocampus in rats.
Neuroscience, 136: 593-599, 2005.

Kimura F, Shinohara K, Funabashi T, Daikoku S, Suyama K, Mitsushima D, Sano A.
Nicotine inhibition of pulsatile GnRH secretion is mediated by GABAA receptor system in the cultured rat embryonic olfactory placode.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29: 749-756, 2004.

Masuda J, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Female rats living in small cages respond to restraint stress with both adrenocortical corticosterone release and acetylcholine release in the hippocampus.
Neurosci Lett, 358: 169-172, 2004.

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Mitsushima D, Shinohara K, Kimura F.
Sexual dimorphism of GABA release in the medial preoptic area and luteinizing hormone release in gonadectomized estrogen-primed rats.
Neuroscience, 127: 243-250, 2004.

Funabashi T, Sano A, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Bisphenol A increases progesterone receptor immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus in a dose-dependent manner and affects sexual behaviour in adult ovariectomized rats.
J Neuroendocrinol, 15:134-40, 2003.

Mitsushima D, Funabashi T, Shinohara K, Kimura F.
Rats living in small cages respond to restraint stress with adrenocortical corticosterone release but not with hippocampal acetylcholine release.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 28: 574-583, 2003.

Mitsushima D, Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Kimura F.
Sexual dimorphism in the GABAergic control of gonadotropin release in intact rats.
Neurosci Res, review article, 46: 399-405, 2003.

Mitsushima D, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Estrogen increases messenger RNA and immunoreactivity of aryl-hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 in the rat mediobasal hypothalamus.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 307: 248-253, 2003.

Mitsushima D, Masuda J, Kimura F.
Sex difference in the stress-induced release of acetylcholine in the hippocampus and corticosterone from the adrenalcortex in rats.
Neuroendocrinology, 78: 234-240, 2003.

Shinohara K, Funabashi T, Nakamura TJ, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Differential regulation of pituitary adenyl cyclase activating peptide receptor variants in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Neuroscience, 110:301-308, 2002.

Mitsushima D, Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Funabashi T, Shinohara K, Kimura F.
GABA release in the medial preoptic area of cyclic female rats.
Neuroscience, 113:109-114, 2002.

Tin-Tin-Win-Shwe, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Profiles of in vivo GABA release in the medial preoptic area of intact and castrated male rats.
Neuroendocrinology, 76: 290-296, 2002.

Funabashi T, Mitsushima D, Nakamura TJ, Uemura T, Hirahara F, Shinohara K, Suyama K, Kimura F.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) surge generator in female rats.
Progress in Brain Res, 141:165-173, 2002.

Mitsushima D, Funabashi T, Shinohara K, Kimura F.
Impairment of maze learning in rats by restricting environmental space.
Neurosci Lett, 297:73-76, 2001.

Mitsushima D, He D, Funabashi T, Shinohara K, Kimura F.
Increase in the number of detectable preoptic GAD67 immunoreactive cells in immature male rats.
Neurosci Res, 40:141-146, 2001.

Nakamura TJ, Shinohara K, Funabashi T, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Circadian and photic regulation of cryptochrome mRNAs in the rat pineal gland.
Neurosci Res, 41: 25-32, 2001.

He D, Mitsushima D, Uemura T, Hirahara F, Funabashi T, Shinohara K, Kimura F.
Effects of naloxone on the serum luteinizing hormone level and the number of Fos-positive gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons in immature female rats.
Brain Res, 858:129-135, 2000.

Saito K, Shinohara K, Morofushi M, Funabashi T, Mitsushima D, Hata M, Matsubara S, Kimura F.
Effects of irradiation on the sensitivity of melatonin release to norepinephrine in cultured pineal bodies of rats.
Neurosci Lett, 284:93-96, 2000.

Funabashi T, Shinohara K, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Estrogen increases arginine-vasopressin V1a receptor mRNA in the preoptic area of young but not of middle-aged female rats.
Neurosci Lett, 285:205-208, 2000.

Funabashi T, Shinohara K, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone exhibits circadian rhythm in phase with arginine-vasopressin in co-cultures of the female rat preoptic area and suprachiasmatic nucleus.
J Neuroendocrinol, 12:521-528, 2000.

Shinohara K, Morofushi M, Funabashi T, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Effects of 5alpha-androst-16-en-3alpha-ol on the pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone in human females.
Chem Senses, 25:465-467, 2000.

Shinohara K, Funabashi T, Mitushima D, Kimura F.
Effects of gap junction blocker on vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide rhythms in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.
Neurosci Res, 38:43-47, 2000.

Shinohara K, Funabashi T, Mitushima D, Kimura F.
Effects of estrogen on the expression of connexin32 and connexin43 mRNAs in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of female rats.
Neurosci Lett, 286:107-110, 2000.

Kuramitsu K, Fjimoto M, Tanaka T, Ohata J, Nakamura K.
Differential expression of phosphatidylethanol-amine-binding protein in rat hepatoma celllines:analyses of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-resistant ckDH-8/11 and-sensitive KDH-8/YK cells by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.
Electrophoresis, 21, 660-664, 2000.

Keen KL, Burich AJ, Mitsushima D, Kasuya E, Terasawa E.
Effects of pulsatile infusion of the GABAA receptor blocker bicuculline on the onset of puberty in female rhesus monkeys.
Endocrinology, 140: 5257-5266, 1999.

Mitsushima D, Funabashi T, Kimura F.
Fos expression in gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons by naloxone or bicuculline in intact male rats.
Brain Res, 839:209-212, 1999.

Hla-Hla-Aye, Jinnai K, Sano A, Funabashi T, Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
Nicotine given intracerebroventricularly does not inhibit the preovulatory surge of LH and PRL secretion in female rats.
Endocr J, 45: 575-580, 1998.

Mitsushima D, Yamanoi C, Kimura F.
Restriction of environmental space attenuates locomotor activity and hippocampal acetylcholine release in male rats.
Brain Res, 805: 207-212, 1998.

Mitsushima D, Jinnai K, Kimura F.
Possible role of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptor system in the timing of the proestrous luteinizing hormone surge in rats.
Endocrinology, 138: 1944-1948, 1997.

Mitsushima D, Kimura F.
The maturation of GABAA receptor-mediated control of luteinizing hormone secretion in immature male rats.
Brain Res, 748: 258-262, 1997.

Mitsushima D, Mizuno T, Kimura F.
Age-related changes in diurnal acetylcholine release in the prefrontal cortex of male rats as measured by microdialysis.
Neuroscience, 72: 429-34, 1996.

Mitsushima D, Marzban F, Luchansky LL, Burich AJ, Keen KL, Durning M, Golos TG, Terasawa E.
Role of glutamic acid decarboxylase in the prepubertal inhibition of the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone release in female rhesus monkeys.
J Neurosci, 16: 2563-2573. 1996.

Mitsushima D, Yokawa T, Nishihara M, Takahashi M.
Attenuation of the expression of circadian rhythms by chronic outputs from the VMH in rats.
Physiol Behav, 56: 891-899, 1994.

Mitsushima D, Hei DL, Terasawa E.
gamma-Aminobutyric acid is an inhibitory neurotransmitter restricting the release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone before the onset of puberty.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91: 395-399, 1994.

Gore AC, Mitsushima D, Terasawa E.
A possible role of neuropeptide Y in the control of the onset of puberty in female rhesus monkeys.
Neuroendocrinology, 58: 23-34, 1993.

Yokawa T, Mitsushima D, Itoh C, Konishi H, Shiota K, Takahashi M.
The ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus outputs long-lasting running in rats.
Physiol Behav, 46: 713-717, 1989.

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