
Name of Award & Reasons of the Awarding
> Excellent Presentation Award in the 13th Joint Seminar between YU and KU (2021)
> Excellent Teacher Award for Active learning at Yamaguchi University (2020)
> Excellent Teacher Award at Yamaguchi University (2019,2017,2016,2015,2014)
> Choshu 5 Fellowship Award for Overseas research at UC Berkeley (2018-2019) > JSPS Fellowship Award for Postdoc studies (2011-2013) > Excellent Presentation award at ICEAB 2010
> Institute of Lowland Technology Scholarship , Saga University, JAPAN, 2009
Post doctoral research.
> International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) Awards 2007-2008
Outstanding academic achievements and potential to become a leader in Offshore
mechanics & Polar Engineering.
> Best Presentation Award, International Symposium on Lowland Technology (ISLT)
2006, Japan for Outstanding research and presentation.
> MONBUKAGAKUSHO Scholarship (2004-2007) Japan Government Scholarship Award
Conducting Ph.D. study in Saga University,JAPAN.
> Prime Minister’s Gold Medal 2000-2001 , Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
Securing Top most Position in B.Sc. Engineering.
> Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Certificate 2000-2001
Outstanding results in B.Sc. Engineering.
> Bangladesh Scholarship Council and Nippon Foundation Japan Scholarship 1998-1999
Outstanding academic achievements during B.Sc. Engineering study.
> Merit scholarship, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Bangladesh 1996-2000
Outstanding result in Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination.
> Prime Minister’s Gold Medal 2000-2001 , Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Outstanding result in Secondary School Certificate Examination.
> Biography has been selected in 2010 Edition of Who’s Who in the World.
Top 100 Engineers 2010 Award
> Obtained 3rd Position in Saga Prefecture Nihongo (Japanese) Speech Contest, 2009.
Best Paper Award:
1. ISLT 2010 Best Paper award
2. ICEAB 2010 Best Paper award
Social contribution
- Working as a volunteer at Tokyo Olympic Torch Relay 2020.
- Working as a volunteer at disaster-affected areas.
- Serving as an expert of JICA to the developing countries.
- Cultural Exchange program to the elementary school students and the elder people
- Give lecture to the Ube high school students (SSH) and supervise their research.
- Solid waste management and recycling of organic waste
- Cleaning up the Coastal environment and Waste Management in the community
Keynote Lectures and Invited Lectures
- “Geo-environmental problems in the Ariake Sea, Japan due to acid treatment practice for sea weed cultivation” International Symposium on Geotechnical and Geosynthetics Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities on Climate Change, 7 to 8 December 2010, Bangkok, Thailand.
- “The Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan: The Environmental & Geo-environmental aspects”. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 16th September, 2011, India.
- “ Green energy from organic waste and plant by microbial fuel cell”. The international conference on green energy and technology (ICGET), September, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
- “Effective Technical Presentation for Civil Engineers” in Nagasaki University, Japan, July 2014, 2015, 2016.
- “Bioelectricity from plant microbial fuel cell (PMFC)”, Invited lecture in University of Surrey, UK and Bristol University, UK. 2014.
- “Green energy from organic waste” University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 2015.
- “Bioremediation and Bio-geotechnology-way to the sustainable geo-environment”, The 3rd USA-Japan Joint workshop on Geoenvironment, Chicago 2016.
- “Microbial fuel cell for bioelectricity generation from organic waste”. The International symposium UMP-Yamaguchi University. Kuantan, Malaysia, 17-18th October, 2016.
- “Microbial fuel cell for bioelectricity generation: opportunities and challenges”. The international conference on Engineering Practice, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 23-25 January, 2017.
- “ Geoenvironmental condition improvement and bioelectricity generation through sediment microbial fuel cell” The 10th seminar of Research Institute of Environmental Geotechnics, Kyoto, Japan , 2nd September, 2017.
- “ Bioelectricity generation through living plants microbial fuel cell”. Joint seminar on new energy of Japan-Korea 2017.
- “Microbial Fuel Cell for bioelectricity generation”. Invited speech geosystems group of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA. 12th April 2018.
- “Recent trends in renewable energy”. Invited lecture at the University of California, Berkeley Extension, 31st July 2018.
- “ Future trend of renewable energy and bioelectricity generation.” Invited lecture at the PTOP, University of California, Berkeley, 25th September 2018.
- “ Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Perspective Tsunami disaster in Tohoku, Japan”. Invited lecture at California Polytechnique State University, San Luis Obispo. Organized by ASCE, February 2019.
- “ Bioelectricity generation through microbial fuel cell by using organic waste and living plants.” Invited lecture at the University of California, Davis. March, 2019.