The International Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering (ICGGE) between YU and UMP
The joint conference between Yamaguchi University Japan and University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
"Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering for Sustainable Future"
Date: 1st December 2021
(Online Zoom)
Chair: Dr. Azizul Moqsud, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yamaguchi University
Opening Ceremony (Japan Time)
Welcome Address: Professor Hiromori Tsutsumi, Dean,
Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University
Welcome address: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Nik Mohd Zuki Nik Mohamed, Dean,
College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Keynote speech : Professor Yukio Nakata, YU,
Geotechnical study on Prevention of Debris flow disaster
Invited speech 1: Dr. Muzamir Hasan, UMP,
Properties and liquefaction risk on bulk cargo carrying Bukit Goh,
Kuantan bauxite; in accordance with IMSBC code
Invited speech 2 : Dr. Hirotoshi Mori, YU,
Piping of a River Levee
Lunch Break
Invited speech 3: Dr. Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya, UMP,
A Novel of Nanoparticles in Subgrade and Pavement Engineering
Invited speech 4 : Dr. Azizul Moqsud,YU
Bioinspired and Bio-mediated Geotechnology for the Sustainable Future
Coffee Break
Student Presentation 1 : Yudai Fujie , YU,
Formation factors of seawater-resistant sediments on the surface of cement treated soil in coastal area
Student Presentation 2: Muhammad Syamsul Zaini UMP,
Effect of optimum utilization of silica fume and eggshell ash to the engineering properties of expansive soil
Student Presentation 3: Abdul Wahab, UMP,
The electrokinetic impact towards heavy metals remediation from bauxite mines tailings at Pahang state, Peninsular Malaysia
Student Presentation 4: Shohei Uramoto , YU,
Bioelectricity generation from plant microbial fuel cell
Closing Ceremony
Closing Remarks:
Dr. Muzamir Hasan, UMP
Professor Motoyuki Suzuki, YU
Contact for Zoom link:
"Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering for Sustainable Future"
Date: 1st December 2021
(Online Zoom)
Date: 1st December 2021
(Online Zoom)
Chair: Dr. Azizul Moqsud, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yamaguchi University
Opening Ceremony (Japan Time)

Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University

College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Keynote speech : Professor Yukio Nakata, YU,
Geotechnical study on Prevention of Debris flow disaster

Invited speech 1: Dr. Muzamir Hasan, UMP,
Properties and liquefaction risk on bulk cargo carrying Bukit Goh,
Kuantan bauxite; in accordance with IMSBC code

Invited speech 2 : Dr. Hirotoshi Mori, YU,
Piping of a River Levee
Lunch Break

Invited speech 3: Dr. Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya, UMP,
A Novel of Nanoparticles in Subgrade and Pavement Engineering

Invited speech 4 : Dr. Azizul Moqsud,YU
Bioinspired and Bio-mediated Geotechnology for the Sustainable Future
Coffee Break

Student Presentation 1 : Yudai Fujie , YU,
Formation factors of seawater-resistant sediments on the surface of cement treated soil in coastal area

Student Presentation 2: Muhammad Syamsul Zaini UMP,
Effect of optimum utilization of silica fume and eggshell ash to the engineering properties of expansive soil

Student Presentation 3: Abdul Wahab, UMP,
The electrokinetic impact towards heavy metals remediation from bauxite mines tailings at Pahang state, Peninsular Malaysia

Student Presentation 4: Shohei Uramoto , YU,
Bioelectricity generation from plant microbial fuel cell
Closing Ceremony
Closing Remarks:
Dr. Muzamir Hasan, UMP
Professor Motoyuki Suzuki, YU
Contact for Zoom link:
Dr. Muzamir Hasan, UMP
Professor Motoyuki Suzuki, YU
Contact for Zoom link: