ACCCと日中シンポジウム 参加

★マレーシアのクアラルンプールで行われたACCC7 (第7回アジア錯体会議)に出席し発表してきました。

綱島(OF19):Solid-state Properties of Molecular Metal Oxide; Functionality Designed by Intercluster Space
志賀(PF15):Desorption of volatile ligand under temperature gradient in the single crystal of dabco-based coordination polymer
渡(PF14):Temperature induced molecular deformation of the organicpolyoxometalate hybrids



・綱島(IL66):Molecular metal-oxide; exploring the fine synthetic method and designing solid state property
・志賀:Chromotropism in a two-dimensional dabco-based network structured by hydrogen bond formation and metal coordination



