English / 日本語

NARUMI, Takayuki (Ph.D.)

ORCID iD icon0000-0003-2258-4249

Associate Professor (Applied Science, physics)
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation
Yamaguchi University


Born in 1981.
Japanese Citizen
(Osaka - Kanagawa - Miyagi - Fukuoka - Hyogo - Fukuoka - Yamaguchi)
tnarumi [ a t ] yamaguchi-u.ac.jp


Feb 2020 - present
Associate Professor (physics), Department of Applied Science
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University

Apr 2017 - Jan 2020
Lecturer (physics), Department of Applied Science
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University

Apr 2014 - Mar 2017
Lecturer (physics, specially appointed), Academic Support Center
Faculty of Engineering, Kyusyu Sangyo University

Apr 2013 - Mar 2014
Postdoctoral Fellow, Group of Prof. Koichi Osaki
Dept. of Mathematical Science at Kwansei Gakuin University

Apr 2010 - Mar 2013
Research Assistant Professor, Applied Physics Research Group
Dept. of Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering at Kyushu University
A research partner of a group in Scientific Research on Innovative Areas
[Group Representative: Prof. Shoichi Kai ("Emergence in Chemistry")]


25th Mar, 2010
Ph.D. Engineering, Dept. of Engineering at Tohoku University
[Supervisor: Prof. Michio Tokuyama (WPI-AIMR Slow Dynamics Laboratory)]

27th Mar, 2007
M.A. Engineering, Dept. of Engineering at Tohoku University
[Supervisor: Prof. Michio Tokuyama (IFS Theoretical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)]

23th Mar, 2005
B.S. Physics, Dept. of Physics at Keio University
[Supervisor: Prof. Hiroshi Takano (Theoretical Physics Group)]


The Physics Society of Japan, Society of Soft Matter, Society for Science on Form

Oversea research

Jul 2011 (2 weeks)
Lab of Prof. H. Chate, CEA Saclay (France)

Apr - Jun 2007 (3 months)
Lab of Prof. E. R. Weeks, Dept of Physics at Emory University (USA)


Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

14th Jan, 2009
Outstanding Performance Award on 1st International Workshop by Junior Scholars on Flow Dynamics

27th Mar, 2007
Miura Award from The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers

8th Nov, 2016
Research scholarships from scholarship society of Jishiro Nakamura

8th June, 2019
25th Prize for Encouragement of Society for Science on Form


Yamaguchi University, Tokiwa campus
office: room 237 in main hall, lab: room 238 in main hall,
2-16-1 Tokiwadai, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-8611, JAPAN.