English / 日本語

Paper (in English, only)


"An agent-based modeling and simulation for the first stage of honeycomb construction"


"Tagged-particle dynamics in weak turbulence: System size dependence of Nikolaevskii turbulence"
"Slow diffusive structure in Nikolaevskii turbulence"


"An agent-based model for understanding symmetric alignment of honeycomb"
"On the relation between a length cutoff in time-convolutionless mode-coupling theory and a characteristic length at ß-relaxation stage in glass-forming materials"


"Time-Dependent Diffusion Coefficients for Chaotic Advection due to Fluctuations of Convective Rolls"
"Self-organization at the first stage of honeycomb construction: Analysis of an attachment-excavation model"
"A crucial role of long-range hydrodynamic interactions near the colloidal glass transition based on time-convolutionless mode-coupling theory"
"Sub-Diffusion in Electroconvective Turbulence of Homeotropic Nematic Liquid Crystals"


"Analyses of kinetic glass transition in short-range attractive colloids based on time-convolutionless mode-coupling theory"


"Relaxation with long-period oscillation in defect turbulence of planar nematic liquid crystals"


"A Model for Worker Honeybees Building the Triggers of Honeycomb Construction Process"


"Three-Dimensional Pattern Formations in a Biological Model of Chemotaxis and Growth"


"Duality of diffusion dynamics in particle motion in soft-mode turbulence"
"Memory function of turbulent fluctuations in soft-mode turbulence"
"Compressed Exponential Relaxation as Superposition of Dual Structure in Pattern Dynamics of Nematic Liquid Crystals"


"Correlation functions in homeotropic nematics: non-exponential relaxation of soft-mode turbulence"
"Glassy dynamics in relaxation of soft-mode turbulence"


"Active Brownian motion in threshold distribution of a Coulomb blockade model"
"Size Dependence of Current–Voltage Properties in Coulomb Blockade Networks"
"Comparison of mode-coupling theory with molecular dynamics simulations from a unified point of view"
"Spatial and temporal dynamical heterogeneities approaching the binary colloidal glass transition"


"Theoretical and experimental studies of the correlation functions in supercooled liquids near the glass transition"


"Study of spatial correlation functions near the glass transition by molecular dynamics simulations"


"Simulation study of spatial-temporal correlation functions in supercooled liquids"
"Relationship between the Diffusive Coefficient and the Specific Heat for Lennard-Jones Binary Mixture"


"Mapping from a fragile glass-forming system to a simpler one near their glass transitions"
"How Different is the Dynamics of a Lennard-Jones Binary Fluid from One-Component Lennard-Jones Fluid?"