Director Kazuhiro Kimura |
We perform more than 80 of keratoplasties every year. Recently, we actively perform Descemet membrane actomated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) as well as deep lamellar anterior keratoplasty (DALK). In addition to those surgical treatment, we successfully developed eye drops for the treatment of persistent epithelial defect by applying combination of substance P (a neurotransmitter)-derived peptide “FGLM-NH2“ plus insulin-like growth factor-1 (one kind of growth factors)- derived peptide “SSSR”. Furthermore, we also developed a world first eye drops of PHSRN, fibronectin (a glycoprotein)-derived peptide for the treatment of persistent epithelial defect. We apply those cutting-edge treatment for the patients with corneal diseases.
We conduct glaucoma surgery on more than 170 patients per year. We also perform simultaneous surgical treatment for both glaucoma and cataracts as well as operate on patients who have previously undergone penetrating keratoplasty or have concurrent corneal or conjunctival abnormalities. In addition, we performed ciliary body solidification and glaucoma surgery using amniotic membrane for cases of intractable glaucoma. We also perform glaucoma implant surgery.
Much uveitis is related with systemic diseases, and some cases are difficult to diagnosis; need to diagnose a couple of years later. Our clinic is a specialized for the treatment and diagnosis of uveitis. Many cases are referred from all over the country. Mission of the Uveitis clinic is very simple. Essential to treatment of uveitis is that a good workup with appropriate lab work, enough of the right medication used adequate methods and long enough, knowing when it’s time to move on to something else, knowing when to refer and not operating unless absolutely necessary. Good news is that efficacy of the anti-TNF alpha agents has already been established in the treatment of Behcet disease. This brought innovations in the world of uveitis treatment. We are focusing to spread the indication of the anti-TNF agents including severe uveitis such as Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease or Sarcoidosis approved by the institutional review board of the clinical center. Furthermore, we are driving the new methods for the diagnosis of Behcet disease. We hope that the information from Yamaguchi University contributes all uveitis patients in the world.
Retina and vitreous
We perform detailed examination for various retinal diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, macular hole, epiretinal membrane, retinal vein occlusion (RVO), aged-related macular degeneration (ARMD), uveitis, and so on, with the use of the latest instruments, such as optical coherence tomograph (OCT), multifocal electroretinograph (VERIS), and a laser confocal microscope (HRA-Ⅱ). The results of such examinations guide treatment by retinal photocoagulation (laser surgery) or surgery of intractable vitreoretinal diseases that can lead to loss of vision, such as detachment of the retina, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Additionary, we perform the transconjunctival 23 or 25-gage microincision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) for reduction of surgical invasion minimally. We perform anti-VEGF treatment for various macular diseases such as ARMD, RVO and myopic choloidal neovascularization. We also manage and treat retinopathy of prematurity in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
We perform surgery for cataracts that are congenital or associated with aging, diabetes, or drug use with the latest cataract surgery equipment.