Director Takahiro Yamasaki |
Division of Blood Transfusion provides a broad range of blood products and services for patients treated at Yamaguchi University Hospital. A unique feature of this division is its integration with autologous blood transfusion and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.
Transfusion Testing
Blood typing, anti-red blood cell irregular antibody testing, compatibility testing, and anti-platelet antibody testing are performed. Our technologists execute the transfusion inspection around the clock.
Manegement of Blood Components
A strict temperature control of the blood supply with the computer system is performed.
Autologous Blood Transfusion
Patients donate their own blood before surgical operation, which would avoid the risk of blood-borne infection of hepatitis viruses or HIV.
Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) is a variation of bone marrow transplantation, in which immature blood cells called stem cells are taken from the patient's blood and subsequently are returned to the patient by transfusion to support high-dose chemotherapy. PBSCT provides a superior source of stem cells to support patients undergoing potentially curative high-dose chemotherapy. It realizes a rapid recovery of the patients from the profound bone marrow damage due to adverse effects of anti-cancer drugs.
Transfusion Policy
Blood products should be appropriately used considering indication for transfusion, possibility of adverse reactions and alternative treatment measures.